June 13, 2023
Mirasur School among the best schools in Spain
Mirasur School among the best schools in Spain according to Forbes magazine
2023 Ranking of the Top 100 Schools in Spain
We are truly proud to be chosen as one of the best schools in Spain, and we will continue working to offer the best educational experience to our students.
This week, Forbes magazine published the third edition of the “List of the Best Schools in Spain,” and for the third consecutive year, Mirasur School is once again part of this prestigious list.
Unlike previous years, the list has been published in alphabetical order. In 2021 and 2022, Mirasur School held the 26th position on the list.
Each year, the ranking includes the top 100 schools in Spain, evaluated through 36 objective criteria distributed across 7 categories. These criteria are analyzed by a committee of experts with pedagogical, psychological, and educational backgrounds.

2022 Ranking of the Top 100 Schools in Spain
The prestigious Forbes magazine, known for its reference lists, has published the second edition of its “List of the Best Schools in Spain.”
For the second consecutive year, Mirasur School is once again among the best schools in Spain, maintaining the 26th position.
Forbes’ ranking consists of the top 100 national and international schools in Spain. The selection is based on 36 objective criteria organized into seven categories, evaluated by a committee of experts with pedagogical, psychological, and educational backgrounds.
The first category accounts for 30% of the school’s total score and assesses factors such as class size, student-to-teacher ratio, grade levels to address student needs, accessibility for students with special needs, availability of reinforcement and elective classes, number of support teachers, and the percentage of students who complete their educational stage at the school.
The second category represents 23% of the score and is based on students’ academic results, including the average scores in university entrance exams (selectividad), Secondary Education, and Primary Education.
The third category accounts for 18% of the total score and evaluates different aspects of the school, such as the number of languages taught, the virtual classroom system, hardware for remote learning, offered baccalaureate options, non-academic activities, and extracurricular programs.
The fourth category represents 12% of the score and focuses on the school’s infrastructure and the services offered, including nutritionist, school transportation, cafeteria, and medical services.
The fifth category, contributing 10%, assesses the school’s tutoring services, diversity, classes, and cybersecurity measures.
The sixth category accounts for 5% and takes into account factors such as monthly fees, waiting lists, the percentage of alumni who enrol their children in the school, and notable individuals who have studied at the school.
Finally, the seventh category, accounting for 2% of the score, is based on whether students receive finance classes, whether the school is secular or requires a uniform.
We are very proud to be included in this ranking once again, and we will continue working to repeat our presence next year, with the aim of offering our students the best educational experience.

2021 Ranking of the Top 50 Private Schools in Spain
The prestigious Forbes magazine has published, for the first time, the ranking of the top 50 private and semi-private schools in Spain, and Mirasur School has entered the list at the 26th position nationwide and 15th in Madrid.
Over 300 schools have undergone a rigorous analysis carried out by a prestigious committee of pedagogues, psychologists, and education professionals selected by the magazine. They evaluated the excellence of each school based on 36 objectives divided into 7 categories.
Forbes has assessed the schools’ performance, services offered, and the dedication of teachers and staff both inside and outside the classroom, selecting those they consider to be the most excellent in Spain.